December 6 - National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Lord Elgin Hotel
100 Elgin St
Ottawa, ON K1P 5K8
Google map and directions

You are invited to attend a quiet reception at the Lord Elgin Hotel, hosted by the PIPSC NCR Region, following the December 6th vigil. All members of the NCR are welcome to attend the commemoration event. We ask that PIPSC members respect the solemnity and significance of this day to participants.



See who's going
R. McKibbon Sherry Oake Hwashin Shin Qiubo Ye Krishna Gautam Iain McLeod Madeline Blais Ewa Kantorska Joanna Mora David Young Kingsley Ekeke Aliria Mullen Tarachand Satsangi Yves Cousineau Parvati Neogi Angelo Guglielmo Rosemary Leslie Karen Davis Paulina Pisarek Carolyn Johnstone Pierre Kluchert Paul Wang

Let us know you are coming

About the host

Sherry Oake ·