President’s Evaluation | AGM keynote speakers | Gold Medal award | Outstanding members | PIPSC news | Canadian labour movement
Better Together
President’s Evaluation – Report 2019
Debi Daviau, PIPSC President
Celebrating a year of big wins, President Debi Daviau shares updates on bargaining, Phoenix, our work to reduce outsourcing and more. We are building progress in our union – we are leading progress in Canada. Don’t miss President Daviau's speech at our Annual General Meeting!
AGM keynote speakers
Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress
Our 2019 AGM featured an inspiring speech from Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. David Coletto, CEO of Abacus Data, also gave an engaging presentation on the results of our most recent member survey.
Gold Medal award
Dr. Xiaolan Wang, Gold Medal Award winner
Each year we celebrate an individual or team whose outstanding work has enhanced public well-being. Congratulations to Dr. Xiaolan Wang, this year’s recipient! Learn more about her work to advance the understanding of climate change worldwide in the award presentation.
Outstanding members
Stewards of the Year
Active members make the union work! Institute Service and Steward of the Year awards were presented at our AGM to recognize the leadership and exceptional contributions of these members.
Scholarship winners
The Professional Institute Legacy Foundation announced the 2019 scholarship award winners at our AGM. Members’ children and grandchildren entering their first year of post-secondary education are eligible to apply – meet this year’s recipients!
PIPSC news
A video of the PIPSC mural
Unveiling our 100th anniversary mural
We’re excited to be kicking off a new century of accomplishment with a mural that honours the impacts of our members over the last 100 years. Enjoy a time-lapse video of the mural from concept to creation – truly bringing the project to life.

A woman looking into a microscope
PIPSC Women in Science take on barriers!
In the first ever PIPSC Women in Science Learning Lab, women in federal Public Sector science from across regions and groups met to take on the challenges they face in the workplace. These experts collaborated to create micro projects to pilot in workplaces across the country. You can also expect to see a toolkit of valuable resources coming soon.

Canadian labour movement
A demolition ball destroying a graph
Cuts to the public service won’t help the economy
The public service is an important driver in the Canadian economy. Public service cuts, like those in the recent Alberta budget, hurt the economy. A recent report from IRIS, shows the economic bump investments in the public service have created in Canada.


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