Federal government adpots PIPSC's scientific integrity model | 2018 Bargaining Update | Phoenix News | Important Election Datess |
Federal Government Adopts PIPSC Science Policy
Science Integrity
Our member-designed, model scientific integrity policy has been officially accepted by the Federal Government.

By adopting the model policy, federal scientists and (equally important) their departments recognize that scientific integrity is an integral part of their work.

Together with the right of federal scientists to speak freely about science and their research, the adoption of the model policy represents an enormous step forward for science in the public interest and the federal scientists who undertake it.
Bargaining Update
As our core groups prepare for another round of collective bargaining, the groundwork for successful negotiations is being laid. If you belong to a core group, you can follow the latest developments in the process on our website.

Director of National Labour Relations, Richard Beaulé gives the lay of the land here: http://pipsc.ca/labour-relations/collective-bargaining.
Phoenix News
President Webinar
President's Phoenix Webinars
This summer, PIPSC President Debi Daviau hosted webinars outlining possible alternatives to the Phoenix pay system. If you missed the announcement of the collaboration between the Government of Canada and PIPSC to deliver a new, sustainable pay system, archives of the webinars are available.

Official Letter
An Official Letter to Michael Wernick, Clerk of the Privy Council of Canada
Earlier this summer, in the wake of the ongoing Phoenix crisis, Canada’s senior civil servant remarked on the difficulty of firing public servants. Read President Debi Daviau’s reply.

Phoenix Video
WATCH: Atlantic Regional Council Recap Their Struggle with Phoenix
This spring, President Daviau spoke at the Atlantic Regional Council about ongoing issues including the Phoenix pay system. If there’s one thing that brings home better than any other the impact of Phoenix, it’s the stories our members have to tell.

PIPSC 2018 National Elections
It's an election year! That means that members are running for 14 positions on the PIPSC National Board of Directors. Candidates will be announced in August 2018.

October 12, 2018 — Ballots and candidate profiles are distributed to eligible voters.

November 2, 2018 12 PM (noon) EDT —  Deadline for eligible voters to cast their ballot.
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PIPSC · 250 Tremblay Road, Ottawa, ON K1G 3J8, Canada