Important Phoenix News: Emergency Salary Advances | Nix Phoenix: Lunch & Learns | Research Updates
Important Phoenix News:
Emergency Salary Advances
Following tremendous pressure on the part of public service bargaining agents, the government has finally introduced some much-needed flexibility in the recovery of overpayments caused by Phoenix.

Read the details here:
Phoenix Lunch & Learns
Members are organizing events across the country to discuss the PIPSC Nix Phoenixcampaign. If you're interested in hosting or joining an event in your workplace please get in touch with our [email protected] today.

Email: [email protected]
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PIPSC Research Update
Defrosting Public Science
Defrosting Public Science
It's been five years since we reported that 9 out of 10 federal scientists surveyed claimed they could not speak freely to the media about their scientific work. We've asked our members if the current government is successfully undoing 10 years of damage to federal science. Read the report to find out the results.

Read the report
Women in Science
Women in Public Sector Science: From Analysis to Action
Diversity is a fact and inclusion is a choice. This report reveals the challenges that are holding women back from fully contributing their unique perspectives and expertise to federal public science. Read the report's recommendations.

Read the report
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