Webinar: Pay Increase and Retro Pay Steward Training


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET


The implementation process is underway for the AV, NR, RE, SH, SP, NRC (IS, LS, RO-RCO, TR), AFS (CRA), OSFI, NUREG (CNSC), NEB and NFB collective agreements.

The employer has 180 days from the date of signing the new collective agreement to:

  1. raise pay according to the new rates
  2. provide retroactive pay for the time elapsed since the expiry of the old contracts
  3. pay $400 to each member as a penalty for extended implementation timelines

We expect a large number of members to receive their pay increases by the end of 2019. After that process is complete, your employer can start calculating and distributing retro pay over the coming weeks and months.

Join PIPSC Economist Ryan Campbell for a webinar training about the pay increase and the process of calculating and distributing retro pay. This training will outline timelines for implementation and review the penalties the employer will face if they fail to meet those timelines.

Register today! 


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Ryan Campbell ·